Grant Park Tree Transplant

Group of student volunteers

2016:  Throughout 2016 the Nassau County Soil and Water Conservation District planted hundreds of trees throughout multiple projects.  These trees were planted in vulnerable areas on the North and South Shores of Long Island.  Trees planted in these areas will protect the ground from erosion during future storm events, and act as hosts for wildlife. 

Grant Park Tree Transplant:
As a part of ‪#‎Reforest‬ Nassau County, the Nassau County Soil and Water Conservation District, and over 50 volunteers planted trees at Grant Park on April 19th, 2015. Thanks to all the volunteers that came out and supported the District.

Ilex glabra saplings
Student volunteers digging holes to plant trees
Photo of new planting area between wooden boardwalk
Student volunteer workin digging holes to plant trees together
New planting area with saplings in the ground
Planting sapling
Student volunteer helping plant sapling
planting saplings picture of the group
district manager teaching stuents