
Soil Group Worksheets for Agricultural Assesments


The Nassau County Soil and Water Conservation District provides Soil Group Worksheets for Agricultural Assesments at the price of $50 per parcel. To apply for a soil group worksheet please contact with your name, address, and a copy of your tax bill.

For more information about qualifying for Agricultural Tax credits, please call the NYS Department of Taxation and Finance hotline at 518-457-5149. 

Nassau County Soil &Water Conservation District Freedom of Information Law Request Form


The Freedom of Information Law, effective January 1, 1978, reaffirms your right to know how your government operates. It provides rights of access to records reflective of governmental decisions and policies that affect the lives of every New Yorker. The law preserves the Committee on Open Government, which was created by enactment of the original Freedom of Information Law in 1974.   FOIL Request Form Download

Land Use Planning


Public Involvement


Natural Resources Management

  • Agricultural Environmental Management (AEM)
  • Stream restoration
  • Wetland construction and restoration
  • Shoreline protection
  • Invasive Species Management

Protecting Public Health & Safety

  • Water supply protection
  • Water quality monitoring
  • Watershed and wetland protection plans


Project Implementation

  • Grant contract administration
  • Inter-agency cooperative agreements
  • Project survey & design
  • Best Management Practices on public/private land
  • ISA Certified Arborist 
  • FAA-Certified Drone Pilot