What is an invasive species?
Invasive Species are any organizsm that is not native to an ecosystem and cause harm to its environment. Invasive plants and animals typically outcompete native species for resources like food and sunlight by spreading aggressivly, reproducing quickly, and altering the natural environment. Long Island is home to many types of plants and animals all competing for food and space to grow. Different species are classified into types depending on their impact on the environment.
Native Species are species that once established, thrive in the environment they are naturally adapted to.
Invasive Species are capable of rapid spread into relativly undisturbed natural communities. Once established invasive plants begin outcompeting native plants, damaging soil and causing adverse ecological impacts.
Porcelain Berry Ampelopsis glandulosa also known as "pepper vine" and "wild grape". With the potential to overtake forested areas, an extremely inferior food source for our migrating birds, lacking the essential nutrient content and lipid fats compared to native plants.
Do you live in Nassau County and are interested in helping fight against invasives? Consider downloading the iMapInvasives app! This app allows you to take a picture of a plant or animal and identify that species instantly. You are directly helping scientists and environmental professionals by collecting data with iMapInvasives. The data you collect is then used to plan projects and manage invasive species throughout New York State.
Learn more and educate others about the dangers of Invasive Species. Public awareness and education about invasive species is critical to preserving the health of our local plant and animal communities.
Collect Data using tools like iMapInvasives, iNaturalist to identify local plants.
Volunteer with organizations like LIISMA, Save the Great South Bay, The Nature Conservancy and NYS Parks to help eliminate the threat of invasive species in your local parks and preserves.
Interested in protecting your local resources? Looking for a chance to give back to your community?
The Nassau County Soil and Water Conservation District is currently seeking volunteers to help implement various environmental projects. No experience required. Weekend opportunities available.
This tiny but powerful insect has the potential to devistate many of Long Islands Pine trees. In New York, Pitch Pines (Long Island native) have been targeted more than any other species. Southern Pine Beetle has the potential to quickly spread throughout Long Island without proper management.
This invasive tree hopping insect causes damage by sucking the sugars out of trees and plants, with the potential to destroy crops and damage forests the Spotted Lanternfly poses a signifigant threat to NYS and most of the United States
Norway Maple (Acer platanoides) was introduced to America as an ornamental plant, Norway Maple are prolific seed producers and as individual seeds escape cultivation the species now threatens forests and forest edges. Norway Maple releases a unique milky white sap when the leaf stalk is broken
Mugwort (Artemesia vulgaris) is an invasive perennial that is widespread throughout North America, though it is most common in the eastern United States and Canada. It commonly grows in nurseries, turfgrass, vineyards, waste areas, forest edges, and roadsides. Mugwort spreads aggressively through an extensive rhizome system and will readily form large, mono-specific stands. Mugwort is native to Europe and eastern Asia, where it has historically been used as a medicinal herb.
Mugwort in the early spring
Mugwort at the end of its growth cycle
Japanese barberry Berberis thunbergii
Mile-a-Minute Persicaria perfoliata
Multiflora Rose Rosa multiflora
Autumn Olive Elaeaganus umbellata Thunb
Canada Thistle Cirsium arvense
English Ivy Hedera spp.
Japanese Stiltgrass Microstegium vimineum
Garlic Mustard Alliaria petiolata
Japanese Honeysuckle Lonicera japonica Thunb.
Oriental Bittersweet Celastrus orbicultas Thunb.
Black Swallow-wort Cynanchum nigrum
Porcelain Berry Ampelopsis brevipedunculata