

The Nassau County Soil & Water Conservation District recieves funding through the NYS Environmental Protection Fund (EPF) that is set by the govenor and state legislature annually. The EPF is mainly financed through real estate transfer taxes. Three Provisions of the state aid to District Program include:

Part A - Direct reimbursment to Soil & Water Conservation Districts for technical services provided to landowners within the jurisdictions they cover. (established by Chapter 534 of the Laws of 1996, SWCDL Section 11a-ammended July 2012)


Part B - Annual resources to assist with the implementation of local "Conservation Projects" pre-approved by the SWCC that benefit landowners and/or the general public. (SWCDL Section 11a-1b) 


Part C - Competitively awarded conservation project resources based on the material performance of a Conservation District in their normal delivery of public services to landowners and communities in their jurisdiction. (SWCDL Section 11a-1c)

The Nassau County Soil and Water Conservation District funds a limited number of mission-aligned projects every year. Eligible applicants include local governments in Nassau County and not-for-profit organizations. 

  Projects must meet one or more of the follow criteria in Nassau County:

  1. Conserve or improve soils
  2. Improve water quality of our groundwater and/or surface water
  3. Control and prevent soil erosion and/or prevent floodwater and sediment damages
  4. Conservation, development, utilization, and disposal of water
  5. Preserve, increase, or improve natural resources including trees and plants
  6. Control or eliminate invasive plants or wildlife
  7. Control and abate NPS water pollution
  8. Preserve wildlife

+1 (516) 364 - 5860

Mon-Fri: 8am - 3:30pm

Part C Applications

We are pleased to announce the Part C 2025 Request for Proposals! Part C funding provides direct financial and staff support to conservation projects throughout Nassau County. Please review the application documents below to learn more about how to apply to this program.

As of April 4th we are no longer accepting applications for 2025.

If you have any questions, feel free to email us at or call at (516) 364-5860 

Part C Projects 2024

Arboretum Tags at Cedarmere Preserve

The NCSWCD provided funding to the Friends of Cedarmere to label over 300 trees at the Cedarmere Preserve located in Roslyn, NY. Public engagement with the environment is becoming incresingly important as well as assisting people in identifying the native trees of our region. This project sets the goal of tagging approximatly 51 species of trees, identifying the common and scientific name as well as it's region of origin. These trees will be included as part of the outdoor tours and will also be seen by many visiting the property daily. A tree map will be created to indicate the location of trees, accompanied by existing educational signage outlining the importance of Native species and the extent to which invasives are a serious environmental issue.


The NCSWCD team was joined by Long Island Invasive Management staff on August 1st to survey the natural area for invasive plants and create a report on plant species in the area (pictured right). Thanks to the NYS DEC staff who assisted with the removal of overgrown plants from the center lake.

Photo of prescribed burn project

TOH Conservation & Waterways survey Hempstead Bay

Hempstead Bay is an important resource for marine life and the local economy. After a significant decline of the hard shell clam population following the opening of harvesting in 1978, The Town of Hempstead Department of Conservation and Waterways has been running a successful shellfish restoration program for over 40 years. This recovery was shown in a 2022 shellfish population inventory showing an abundant variety of flora and fauna.


The project's long-term monitoring will help ensure sustainable management and inform future conservation strategies. This benefits not only commercial shellfisheries but also the entire ecosystem of Hempstead Bay.


To accomplish this goal, Town conservation staff equipped a vessel with sampling and diving gear. For each surveying event, 300 samples will be collected from 100 stations throughout Hempstead Bay. Data collection will be repeated every three years as part of a long-term monitoring program.


This project aims to continually monitor the population of shellfish and seagrass as long-term environmental changes are expected to result from the planned 2025 completion of the Bay Park Sewage Conveyance and unknown changes resulting from climate change and ocean acidification.

NCSWCD Rain Gardens Project

The Nassau County Soil and Water Conservation District continued its goal of restoring and protecting Rain Garden sites across the county. This year's project was spread across every township in Nassau County with sites at Town of Hempstead's Hempstead Plains Preserve and Town of Oyster Bay's Waterfront center. These rain gardens are equiped with signs describing the native plants that inhabit them, giving the public more opportunities to connect with the green spaces. Additionally, District technician Sean Rooney has provided educational presentations to libraries and garden clubs in the Town of Hempstead and North Hempstead, teaching homeowners about how to build rain gardens and the value they add to a landscape. 

Hydrodynamic Modeling in Hempstead Harbor

The Hempstead Harbor Protection Committee has recently secured funding to conduct a shellfish seeding program for all of the north shore bays in Nassau County. Over the next 3 years CCE Suffolk County will be growing 6 million "spat-on-shell" oysters for this program, of which 2 million will be placed in Hempstead Harbor. This Hydrodynamic modeling will compliment a successful oyster gardening project to be carried out by the Coalition to Save Hempstead Harbor. 


To build a stable population of oysters, they need to be placed in suitable underwater lands where there is at least 20% gravel and shell and less than 25% silt and mud. They must also be placed in areas where the larvae will settle with suitable substrate conditions upon which to attach and grow. A Shellfish Density Survey of the harbor was conducted in 2021, producing a map of ideal locations. To build upon this, a "hydrodynamic modeling" survey was necessary to determine the location of new oyster spawn which are carried by the currents for a week or two before they settle to the bottom. If Oyster larvae are carried out into the Long Island Sound, they will not help populate the harbor, or if they settle in muddy areas they will most likely not survive. Hydrodynamic Modeling looks at the tidal cycles, water current velocity, water current direction, underwater land composition, and several 24-hour water quality parameters such as dissolved oxygen levels (since ocygen levels drop at night). After the completion of this modeling a habitat suitability map will be derived showing the most suitable "source" (planting) and "sink" (settling) areas. 


Shellfish are known as a "keystone species" forming the basis for an entire marine ecosystem that would not exist or would be fundamentally changed without them. Oyster reefs not only provide food and a habitat for numerous species but protect shorelines from storm damage and erosion. They also improve water quality by removing nutrients such as nitrogen that contrubute to algal blooms and oxygen depletion. A single adult oyster can filter up to 50 gallons of water a day. At that rate, 2 million oysters would be able to filter over 100 million gallons a day. 

Town of Oyster Bay Dune Day

Town of Oyster Bay , Department of Environmental Resources (DER) The Department of Environmental Resources serves our 300,000 residents and our 169 square miles of natural resources including waterways, wetlands, forests, wildlife, animal rescue, air quality, soil quality, and waste disposal. The Department is devoted to environmental outreach, collaboration with, and education of the public, to enhance environmental restoration efforts and work towards the universal goal of environmental stewardship.


The NCSWCD helped fund part of the replacement of dune grass that were lost during recent heavy storms, and to host a Dune Day event. With the District funding the Town would purchase approximately 464 bundles of dune grass. The second Dune Day will be held in October as dune grass is most effectively planyed in the spring or fall seasons. On March 30th 2024 the Town of Oyster Bay hosted its annual dune grass planting event at TOBAY Beach, drawing over 150 volunteers who planted four pallets of native dune grass stalks across 2.7 acres of Atlantic Ocean sand dunes. The Town has planted 1,000 bundles (containing 100 grass plugs each) equating to 100,000 individual plugs of American Beach Grass. This will help stabilize the shoreline sand against heavy winds and assist with the absorbtion of water.


The Long-term benefits of replanting dune grass extend beyond immediate erosion control, providing sustainable advantages for the coastal environment and community. By stabilizing the dunes, dune grass supports biodiversity, creating habitat for shorebirds that depend on these beach habitats for nesting and foraging. Healthy dune ecosystems contribute to climate change resilience by acting as natural storm surge buffers and rising sea levels. By absorbing wave energy and reducing impact of future storms, dune grass helps protect nearby infrastructure such as Ocean Parkway and ensures the long-term viability of the coastline. The Town of Oyster Bay is committed to promoting environmental stewardship and raising community awareness though environmental news letters, social media and press releases. 

Town of North Hempstead - Native Plant Rebate Program

The Town of North Hempstead is a densely developed suburban community located in the western portion of Long Island. The TONH Environmental Resources Department was funded by NCSWCD to reimburse town residents who purchased native plants to create gardens. Native plants provide food, shelter, and nesting resources for pollinators, as well as birds, small mammals, and a variety of other wildlife species. They also have a multitude of environmental benefits like extensive root systems that absorb polluted stormwater (especially when used in rain gardens), the ability to take in carbon dioxide and other air pollutants, lower maintenance requirements, and less need for inputs like fertilizer use, mowing, and irrigation. 


The Town is committed to helping wildlife regain lost habitat using native plants and has planted many native plant gardens in its landscapes. Read more about these plantings here.   Town of North Hempstead Native Plants

photo of meet and community outreach event

Part C Projects 2023

The Reintroduction of Fire at the Hempstead Plains: An Opportunity for Change

The NCSWCD provided funding to the Friends of Hempstead Plains for their project to preserve, restore and manage the Hempstead Plains prarie habitat on the campus of Nassau Community College. The Hempstead Plains Preserve is the last, best remaining Long Island Tallgrass Prairie including over 200 plant species, 14 rare species. Funding from the NC Conservation District will help suppliment outreach and educational programs. 


Restoration via mowing, tree cutting, herbaceous plant cutting, herbicide treatment etc., is already happening, however prescribed fire, a necessary control component, has not been used at the Hempstead Plains since the 1990’s. This Part C funding would allow the Friends to study the prairie’s response to prescribed fire this coming April. The area scheduled to be burned in 2023 is a 4-5 acre section of Hempstead Plains Grassland community dominated by little blue stem and goldenrods, with pockets of successional scrubland habitat, and general overgrowth. It also includes the 1 acre plot in which the globally endangered Sandplain Gerardia grows, and is a fire dependent species. The surveys will allow the Friends to select a 2024 burn location, and create an invasive species removal plan for the 2023 burn area.


Cedarmere Preserve: Removal of invasive species and hydroseeding with mix of grasses and wildflower species. 

In 2014 the Friends of Cedarmere began a program aimed at removal and control of invasive species of plants and trees and planting of native species. This work was supported in part by funding from NCSWCD. Many hundreds of native trees and shrubs have been planted and established over the years, but excessive growth of invasives threatens these plantings every growing season. Hundreds of invasive trees of all sizes in natural areas, such as Norway maple, tree of heaven and Japanese maple have been removed.


This projects plan is to make a more ambitious effort to remove invasives in certain upland areas, where we will also add hydroseeding with native grasses and flowers to help control invasive ground cover plants such as English ivy. For all of this work  the services of Spadefoot Design and Construction were utilized. Their specialized knowledge and equipment used for this work is expected to give us the best results. We used the services of Spadefoot for invasive plant removal in selected areas over the past two years. This year they will be employing some additional mechanized equipment, where feasible, plus the addition of hydroseeding. Overall the project areas covered a total of 20,000 ft sq. 


The seed mix used: 20% Virginia Wildrye, 19.8% Big Bluestem, (18.9% Little Bluestem, Indiangrass), 13% Switchgrass, 2.8% Partridge Pea, 2.5% Blackeyed Susan, (1.4% Oxeye Sunflower, Showy Ticktrefoil), (>.2%Common Milkweed, Wild Bergamont), (>.1% Heath Aster, Roundhead Lespedeza, Narrowleaf Mountainmint, Canadian Goldenrod) 

Science Museum of Long Island: Leeds Pond Preserve Forest Restoration

The Science Museum of Long Island (SMLI) is a non-profit, science activity center that has been providing science education on Long Island since 1962. With programs designed to help stimulate children’s interest in science through hands-on learning, helping children understand and gain a greater respect for the environment and natural world. 
Our campus, located on the 36-acre Leeds Pond Preserve is the core of our educational programs. The varied habitats, from open fields, to intertidal beaches, natural forests and riparian marshes, are our outdoor classrooms, most notably for our Summer Science Camp and after school workshops. While the property is home to SMLI, all of Nassau County’s residents are able to visit and benefit from this publicly owned preserve.


The Science Museum of Long Island was awarded $15,000 in grant funding to be used for site reforestation and woodland restoration at our facility in Manhasset at the Leeds Pond Preserve. This funding was met with an equal match and used for the purchase and installation of over 325 native plants for restoration of a 12,500 square foot area. SMLI goal is to stabilize and re-store soils and provide food sources and ground cover for wildlife in a degraded area of forest within the Preserve. Through physical site restoration (absent of any pesticides or herbicides), invasive and undesirable species were eliminated or greatly reduced. In an effort to mimic a young forest consisting of trees, shrubs and groundcover, reforestation featured varied sizes of plants with ample spacing, allowing light penetration and promoting natural restoration through the existing seedbank in the soil. Temporary irrigation was used to ensure survivability and will be actively monitored to eliminate unwanted erosion. Historically, the restoration area has been negatively impacted by a variety of invasive species. Invasive plants like Kudzu and Japanese Knotweed, have historically outcompeted or overtaken native vegetation, in turn pushing out native species of wildlife including birds and mammals. This reforestation project was designed specifically to ensure that these aggressive invasive species do not return or gain a foothold. The restoration project will be used as part of our outdoor classroom learning experience, with children and adults being able to see the project from start to finish and be educated on the importance of native plants and how individuals can make an impact through invasive species removal.

Garvies Point Museum and Preserve Meadow Restoration

The Garvies Point Museum and Preserve are operated by the Nassau County Department of Parks, Recreation and Museums.  The preserve consists of 62 acres of glacial moraine covered by forests, thickets, and meadows. There are approximately five miles of marked nature trails including those for the visually impaired. Wooded areas, which exhibit various stages of succession, contain over 60 species of trees as well as numerous shrubs, vines and wildflowers. High cliffs along the shoreline display erosional features such as alluvial fans, talus slopes, and slumping caused by ancient multicolored clays oozing from the bluff.  The woods and meadows, with their varied plant life, attract more than 140 species of birds, notably, scarlet tanagers and many varieties of warblers. Woodchucks, opossums and raccoons can occasionally be seen in the woods or along a meadow's edge. The preserve supports woodland communities of differing ages and composition. Their development is related to prior land use which included cattle grazing, hay harvesting, and timber cutting for lumber, firewood and fence stock.  In the early 1900s most of the preserve and surrounding land was meadow and pasture. As less open land was needed for cattle and agriculture, the area reverted, through natural succession, to woodlands, resulting in forest communities of varying ages. The land was acquired by Nassau County in 1963, with the museum opening on July 4, 1967.  The museum specializes in New York State and Long Island geology and Native American culture and archaeology with an interactive "woodland village" with activities depicting Native American life-ways, while also providing an extensive outdoor classroom where the public can learn about the natural systems and communities which existed prior to settlement. 


This project aimed to enhance and restore soils by removing invasive species such as porcelain berry, mile-a-minute, and mugwort, then planting approximately 750 native grassland plugs consisting of 5 native grassland species. Planting native species establishes a diverse root system that provides erosion control, improved stormwater infiltration, and increased nutrient uptake, resulting in healthier soils for insects and small mammals.

Community Outreach and Eduation

The NCSWCD participated in local and regional forums to assist with conservation education and outreach and to better understand current environmental conditions as they relate to Nassau County.


Additional events and meetings include:

NYS Open Space Planning, Long Island Nitrogen Action Plan, Conservation District Employees Association, Re-Leaf, DEC Water Chesnut Pull, Long Island Native Plant Initiative Grasslands Symposium, National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association Conference.


NYS ISA Certified Arborist Olivia Cunningham (Pictured Left) teaching Merrick residents proper tree care and identification. A second educational walk was also hosted in Freeport. These two events were in collaboration with Wild Ones - a nonprofit focused on promoting environmental education and conservation programs on Long Island.

photo of meet and community outreach event

Part C Projects 2022 

Marine Nature Study Area - Oceanside

A Day in the Life


A Day in the Life is a program organized by the South Shore Estuary Reserve focused on environmental education, community engagement and water-quality monitoring. Students will get the opportunity to collect water quality samples, learn about ecosystem services and engage with local flora & fauna.


After the field trip event, the data collected by student groups is processed and shared for analysis—an activity in which students are encouraged to participate in.  This can range from tracking water & soil health throughout Nassau County to GIS analysis of the collected data.

Nassau County SWCD Rain Garden Revitalization Project

dThe purpose of a Rain Garen is to capture excess stormwater runoff and filter it of pollutants as it enters the groundwater system. Rain Gardens are a type of green infrastructure, using native plants with extensive root systems that capture and clean as water passes down their roots.  


The NCSWCD has built numerous gardens over the years, five gardens were. The locations include Nassau Hall in Muttontown Preserve, Bayville Community Center, Bayville West Harbor Beach, Bayville Eastern Waterfront Center and the Hempstead Plains Nature Preserve on the NCC Campus. 

Initial Characterization of Management of Pathogens Affecting Sanitary Condition of Shellfish Lands in the Oyster Bay-Cold Spring Harbor Complex

The NCSWCD provided funding to Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) to collect water quality data that will then be used to identify problem areas and manage fecal coliform contamination in the watershed. 


The project was broken into four parts with the main goal to use data collected to guide efforts to identify problem areas and manage fecal coliform contaminiation.

  • Existing data from shellfish land areas and available NYS DEC Shellfish sanitation data was compiled and analyzed according to U.S. FDA National Shellfish Sanitary Program reccomendations.
  • Training of Oyster Bay-Cold Spring Harbor Protection Committee Members and Volunteers in illicit discharge detection and elimination (IDDE): This training will ensure continuation of IDDE after the project is complete
  • Project Profiles for Future Study and Management Strategies addressing the Most Contaminated Sites Identified in the Cold Spring Harbor Watershed
  • Storm Sewer Mapping and Identification of Major Drainage Areas in the Mill Neck Creek Watershed and Planning for Future Fecal Coliform Assessments
Photo of Oyster Bay-Cold Spring Harbor Fishing Complex

Habitat Restoration at Leeds Pond

The Invasive Plant Removal and Native Plant Revegetation of Leeds Pond Preserve was made possible with funding from the Nassau County Soil & Water Conservation District. The Science Museum of Long Island worked with Spadefoot Design and Construction to complete the project with the goal of clearing 2 acres of Invasive plants like Japanese Knotweed, English Ivy and Norway Maple and replanting with resilient native species. 

Photo of Black-eyed-susan flower

Town of North Hempstead - Native Plant Rebate Program

The NCSWCD provided funding to reimburse Town of North Hempstead Residents who purchased native plants to create native plant gardens and rain gardens. Native plants provide food, shelter and nesting resources for birds, pollinators, small mammals and a variety of wildlife species.

Native plants have a multitude of environmental benefits like extensive root systems that absorb polluted stormwater, sequestering carbon, lower maintenance requirements and less need for fertilizer, mowing and irrigation.


Providing rebates for installation of these plants would lead to more native plants being put into the ground, which will support the Town's effort to increase native plants and wildlife habitat throughout the Town of North Hempstead. 


Town of North Hempstead Native Plants

Shorescaping at Baxters Pond 

Repairing and replacing the riparian buffer along the shores of Baxter's Pond.


Bordered by a densely suburban community and 2 highly trafficked roads, Baxter's Pond is the catch basin for debris, runoff, litter and chemical waste from lawns and road care. Baxters pond is spring-fed and flows directly into Manhasset Bay eventually feeding into the Long Island Sound


The "Shorescaping" Project will address the need to abate nonpoint pollution sources reaching Manhasset Bay, increase and improve the natural resources with native plantings and the removal of invasive plants.


The project, funded by the NCSWCD began in 2019 and has supported a multi-year design and planting program. The Baxter's Pond Foundation has engaged volunteers to assist in the planting process and educate about native plant choices. 

Planting at Baxters Pond
Tick Blitz icon

Participating in the 2022 TICK BLITZ

The NYS Tick Blitz is a yearly event created by the Northeast Regional Vector Control Center NEVBD. With help from Cornell Cooperative Extension CCE and NYS Integrated Pest Management NYIPM. Read about the NYS Tick Blitz here


The purpose of the study is to study all NY regions simultaneously to understand where different tick species are present and track their northward expansion. District Technician Sean Rooney surveyed a collective 1,500 meters of Muttontown Preserve. 

Part C project from 2022 


Town of Hempstead Department of Conservation and Waterways: Exploring the Value of Citizen Science Contributions in Black Skimmer Chick Provisioning and Site Fidelity 

Seeking Volunteers & Interns

Nassau County Soil & Water Logo

Interested in protecting your local resources? Looking for a chance to give back to your community?


The Nassau County Soil and Water Conservation District is currently seeking volunteers to help implement various environmental projects. No experience required. Weekend opportunities available.

Historic Projects and Events

Muttontown Preserve trail
Trail maintenance at the Muttontown Preserve
Plants in a Raingarden
Planting native plants at Cedarmere Preserve
Banding Black Skimmer Birds
Working with the TOH  banding birds
Invasive Water Chestnut - Twin Lakes Preserve
Pulling water chestnut with the DEC
NCSWCD Sapling Givaway
Hosting our annual sapling giveaway!
Planting trees in Massapequa Preserve
Planting 100 trees at the Massapequa Preserve 2019
Plant Boxes - Raised garden beds
Building plant boxes at the Hicksville School District. 2019
Nassau County SWCD Tabling at Eco Carnival
Tabling at The Eco Carnival. 2019
Southern Pine Beetle damage in Massapequa Preserve
Mapping out high-risk Pine Trees for Southern Pine Beetle Infestation. 2019
Press Releases


  • Scudders Pond Press Release
  • National Grid Hosts Earth Day Event with Nassau County Soil and Water Conservation District and Built a Rain Garden at Largest Nature Preserve in Nassau County


  • Mangano: Tree And Shrub Sale To Help Beautify Neighborhoods Damaged By     Hurricane Sandy And Winter Storms
  • Tree and Shrub Sale to Beautify Nassau County


  • Post-Sandy Tree and Shrub Seedling Bulk Buying Program Announced
  • Supporting Cost Effective Green Technology


  • Protecting our Future inside a Piece of History